Friday, April 8, 2011

No Way!!

No Way!!
These are Mali's new favorite words. I know she doesn't quite understand the meaning or secretly how amusing i find it when she says it but she definitely understands the word no. I have to remember that i don't think she understands the power of the word either. 
Like when i say 'Do you want anymore (sandwich)' and she says 'no', then i say 'are you sure?' and she says 'no'. 
It's so gorgeous but it's making the communication process twice as long as ever :)

We went to the park on Sunday and she went down the slide by herself and is now trying to tip herself by leaning backwards on the swing.
I have always been so grateful that i don't have an 'adventurous' child.... i'm beginning to think it's just been brewing all this time! 

Love you, our beautiful little girl xox
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