Friday, August 3, 2012

Yay.... I'm back!

It's been a long time between drinks as they say but hey, better late than never. So much has happened, hence so much to say. But before i do this should say it all.....

Mali is nearly 3 years old and our gorgeous new little bubba is Alexis and she was born on 14th April 2012. My pregnancy was fantastic and birth was amazing, i'll do a post on that soon.
In the mean time I'll put up a few more pics and get planning.


  1. Hi Tam,
    I just fell upon your youtube channel and blog after doing a search on positional plagiocephaly. We are currently dealing with this with our almost 5 month old as well. We noticed his flat spot a couple of months ago now, but weren't too concerned. I think it has gotten somewhat better since then but it is still noticeably there so we are starting to get serious about it. I was just wondering how your little one turned out and whether you did any therapy treatments or just let it get better on its own? We are really hoping to avoid having to put him in a helmet.

    If you can offer any advice I would greatly appreciate!

    Thank you so much,
    Katrina Ciccone-Piccolo, Toronto ON.

    P.S. Your girls are beautiful!

  2. Hi Katrina,
    Sorry for the delayed response!
    We actually took her to a physiotherapist first and they told us what to do. Apparently during birth or even during your pregnancy, your baby can get a 'stiff neck' or slightly pull a neck muscle. Then they will favor whichever side is most comfortable for them - hence the 'positional plagiocephaly'. They told us (and we did pretty much everything they told us to do) to move her cot (or the direction she was sleeping) so that when we walk in her room she has to turn on to the non flat side to look at us. We also had to give her lots of tummy time and make her turn her head to the opposite side by playing with toys etc. Then when she was lying on her back we had to roll up a towel and place it under her back on the flat spot side so she had to put pressure on the non flat side (if that makes sense).
    That was pretty much it, at such a young age their skull is still so soft and we found it took a little while but we started to notice a difference. We never ended up having to put a helmet on her and once she learned to sit up it improved quite a bit. Even now at 3 years old you would never even know she had it, her head has grown so much and just filled itself out.
    I have been really conscious of it with our second daughter and she's all good.
    I hope this helps and again i'm so sorry for the delay. I've just started back at work and it's been a little busy :)
    Let me know how you go, it's worth going to see someone so they can assess how minor or severe it is early on.
    Take Care, Tam.


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