Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Change Is In The Air....

About 9 months ago a friend of mine introduced me to Crossfit and living a Paleo lifestyle. I was completely inspired, however having just had our baby girl Lexi it all seemed too hard, and to be honest i just didn't have the brain space to handle it.

What i did have though was lot's of time to research them. Crossfit is still out of reach at the moment with the times of available classes etc but Paleo seemed very achievable.

So began my adventure of transitioning our family of 4 over to a Paleo/Raw diet lifestyle. It's now been 3 weeks that we have been 90% living this way and I LOVE IT!! I say 90% because Lexi is still on formula which is cows milk based and Mali still has dairy at daycare. Oh and i did have a small cherry ripe the other day (in support of a fundraising drive for daycare...surely that's a good excuse?) so to me we are almost there.

This blog is for recipes, ideas and hopefully a guide on how you too could change your life by what you eat.

Please comment or ask questions if you have them.

Tam x
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